Author Guidlines

  1. The RAMMIK journal accepts articles on the results of research, service and / or literature review in the fields and clumps of Information Technology and Computer Engineering
  2. Manuscripts are typed in Microsoft Word or Libre Office Writter in the format according to the RAMMIK TEMPLATE which is saved in the file extension .doc / .docx.
  3. Manuscripts are submitted online via the OJS RAMMIK Journal at
  4. All authors of articles must be entered / typed in OJS when filling out "authors" in the article submission process.
  5. Articles written in Indonesian. 1 space between lines. Each paragraph begins about 3 beats to the right.
  6. Systematics of research articles: Title, Author Identity (Name, Affiliation and Email), Abstract (English and Indonesian) and Keywords, consisting of chapters: 1. PENDAHULUAN, 2. METODE PENELITIAN, 3. HASIL DAN ANALISIS, 4. KESIMPULAN, UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH and REFERENSI.
  7. Article title is not more than 12 words, typed in the middle (center), using Times New Roman with REGULAR 14pt font size, with BOLD style.
  8. Author Identity: full name without academic degree (if the author is more than one, then all authors' names are listed along with the institution of origin of each author) using Times New Roman with font size 10pt Regular. Affiliate and author's email must be in Regular at 9pt.
  9. Abstract written in Indonesian and English using 1 space with 9pt font size accompanied by 3-5 words or keyword phrases (written in alphabetic) using Times New Roman with 10pt font size. Indonesian abstract length between 100-200 words (English abstract adapts). Abstracts are written in one paragraph which contains a minimum of background, objectives, methods, research results and conclusions. Abstract and keywords inputted in OJS are abstract and keywords are in English.
  10. Pendahuluan : contains the background of the problems studied, the problems described in detail, literature reviews, research objectives, and research innovations undertaken. All sections in this introduction are presented in an integrated manner in the form of paragraphs without writing any subtitles.
  11. Metode Penelitian : contains detailed research steps which include research design, research procedures, and testing procedures.
  12. Hasil dan Analisis : contains about the results and analysis of research. The results of the research can be explained with pictures, graphs, tables, or others with the aim that the reader can better understand the results of the research.
  13. Kesimpulan : explain the answers to what is expected from a study that has been described in the Introduction section. In this section, suggestions for the development of further research can be added based on the results and analyzes that have been carried out. Conclusions can be in the form of paragraphs or in bullet points.
  14. Ucapan Terima Kasih : can be allocated to parties who have helped in research, agencies that are the object of research, it can also be to parties who assist in the publication of articles.
  15. Referensi : only contains referenced sources. Reference writing follows the IEEE Style rules with a minimum of 10 references, such as the following example:
    [1]. X. S. Li, et al., "Analysis and Simplification of Three-Dimensional Space Vector PWM for Three-Phase Four-LegInverters", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, pp. 450-464, Feb 2011.
    [2] R. Arulmozhiyal and K. Baskaran, "Implementation of a Fuzzy PI Controller for Speed Control of Induction Motors UsingFPGA", Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 10, pp. 65-71, 2010.
    [3] D. Zhang, et al., "Common Mode Circulating Current Control of Interleaved Three-Phase Two-Level Voltage-SourceConverters with Discontinuous Space-Vector Modulation", 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Vols1-6, pp. 3906-3912, 2009.
    [4]. Z. Yinhai, et al., "A Novel SVPWM Modulation Scheme", in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2009.APEC 2009. Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE, 2009, pp. 128-131.
  16. Citations, tables and figures follow the IEEE Style rules.
  17. Use the Reference Manager to manage references and citations such as Mendeley, EndNote, and others.
  18. Avoid duplication, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism
  19. Everything related to citation licenses or others related to IPR carried out by the author, including the legal consequences that may arise because of it, is the full responsibility of the author.

Submission Preparation Checklist
Authors are required to pay attention to the following points before submitting articles to the RAMMIK:

  1. Manuscripts are the work of the author himself, free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.
  2. The manuscript has followed the guidelines and article writing templates in the RAMMIK Journal.
  3. References are made only to sources that are referenced in the text (Minimum 10 references).
  4. Citation and reference writing have been managed using the Reference Manager (Mendeley or other).
  5. The author will not submit this article to other journals, unless the article has been declared 'rejected' in the RAMMIK Journal.
  6. The author is willing to do correspondence well, responsive, and ethically.

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.